No More Mr. Nice Guy
(Muzyka, tekst: Alice Cooper, Michael Bruce)I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me
I opened doors for little old ladies
I helped the blind to see
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers
They can't be seen with me
And I'm gettin' real shot down
And I'm feeling mean
No more Mister nice guy
No more Mister clean
No more Mister nice guy
They say he's sick, he's obscene
I'm not hard to get along with
I'm impossible!
My dog bit me on the leg today
My cat clawed my eye
My mom's been thrown from the social circle
My dad's had to hide
I went to church incognito
When everybody rose, the Reverend Smith
He recognized me
And punched me in the nose
He said, "No more! Nice guy!"
Not to say I was ever nice in the first place,
You know

Billion Dollars Babes Alice Coopera
Ten utwór to kower piosenki Alice Coopera. Został umieszczony na ścieżce dźwiękowej filmu Shocker, wydanej w październiku 1989 r. Oryginalna wersja tego utworu pojawiła się na albumie Alice Coopera Billion Dollars Babes, wydanym w 1973 r.

(Muzyka, tekst: Mustaine, Ellefson, Menza)Make up the rules for me to live by
Rules you break and just let it slide
You try and find you inside of me
Be as great as you want me to be
Hypocrite, the word that fits
Do as you say
Not as you do
You're pushing me to a breakpoint
Pushing me to a breakpoint
Pushing me to a breakpoint
Pushing me, push, push me to a breakpoint
Self esteem you seem to lack
Point the finger
There's three pointing back
Control's the illusion with all good intent
Bad times are contagious
You laugh and infect
Criticist, the word that fits
Put me down to lift you up
Watching pain's your only pleasure
Fascination for sick disaster
Suffering since you were born
Mess with the bull and you get the horns.
Misery, the word that fits
Times are good when times are bad
"In my opinion as a professional I recommend we straight-jacket the son of a bitch, lock him in a rubber room, sedate him, heavily, and when he wakes up, if he wakes up, we'll see if he can be a nice boy"
"Well... I don't know... It's gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt him"
"Let's do it!"
"Sedate me? Cool! a straight jacket? Hey, hey, let go of me!"
You push me to a breakpoint
Push me to a breakpoint
Push me to a breakpoint
Don't push me, you piece of shit!
Ten uwór został umieszczony na ścieżce dźwiękowej filmu Super Mario Bros, wydanej w maju 1992 r.
Go to Hell
(Muzyka, tekst: Mustaine, Ellefson, Friedman, Menza)Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take
I'm not going to wake up today
They've pulled my plug the picture fades
And as my body decays
Mold begins to fill my grave
The smell of death permeates
The silk within my coffin lays
Go to hell!
As they bury me now
Six feet there my body lies
Still feel like I'm going down
I hear a distant wailing cry
God something must've gone wrong
And much too late I realize
Go to hell!
I saw my funeral that day
I know who didn't show to mourn
My judgment was life in hell
Pillars of pain and thorns
My only friend's the goat
With 666 between his horns
Go to hell!
Place all your trust here in me
Rest assured these things I know
And as Charon sails the sea
Your journey too shall end below
Ah yes, you're all sitting ducks
It's true you reap what you sow
Go to hell!
Now I lay me down to sleep
Blah, blah, blah my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
I'll go to Hell for Heaven's sake
Angry Again
(Muzyka, tekst: Mustaine)The more of you that I inspect
The more of me I see reflect
The more I try to read your lips
The more the mask you're wearing rips
But when I seek out your voice
My ears are overcome with noise
You show and tell with greatest ease
Raving impossibilities
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Enforce a mental overload
Angry again, angry again, angry owe!
And when the story takes a twist
If folds like a contortionist
Slight of hand and quick exchange
The old tricks have been rearranged
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Enforce a mental overload
Angry again, angry again, angry
The searing of the sinew
My body fights for air
The ripping of the tissue
My lungs begin to tear
Gravity's got my bones
It pulls my flesh away
The steam finally dissipates
I make out my sweaty face
Association that I choose
Game I inevitably lose
Governed by laws set up by me
Fracture it's jaw to let me be
A cut-out cardboard condo maze
Filled with an insubordinate race
Irrational youths stop to stare
As music rubber hosed the air
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Enforce a mental overload
Angry again, angry again, angry again
And again and again, again
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Enforce a mental overload
Angry again, angry again, angry owe!
Ten uwór został umieszczony na ścieżce dźwiękowej filmu Last Action Hero, wydanej w czerwcu 1992 r.
Ten utwór został nominowany do Grammy jako "Najlepsza kompozycja metalowa" w 1993 r., ale przegrał z utworem Ozzy Osbourne'a "I Don't Want to Change the World".
99 Ways to Die
(Muzyka, tekst: Mustaine)If I see the morning hours
I'll have one more yesterday
I take life from tomorrow
Cause I've burned out my today
If I get up to the top I know
I'll just go back downhill
I've gotta' terminal future
And it's time to write my will
I down another glass of courage
And a shot of thorazine
Were not ready to see you yet
99 ways to die
We're not ready to see you yet
Gotta' short between the earphones
Wringing my hands in dismay
A more efficient maniac
With two feet in the grave
Ain't got no last words to say
Yellow streak right up my spine
The gun in my mouth was real
And the taste blew my mind
In a black tie and straight jacket
Man I'm gonna try again
Were not ready to see you yet
99 ways to die
We're not ready to see you yet
Perhaps a demitasse of arsenic
Try on this tie
Never mind the straight-jacket
There is only death and danger
In the sockets of my eyes
A playground of illusion
No one plays they only die
There's a prison in my mind
And the bars are gonna break
I'm as mad as a hatter
And strung out just the same
Taunting rigor mortis
I feel it draw me in
Ten uwór został umieszczony na ścieżce dźwiękowej filmu Beavis and Butthead Experience, wydanej w listopadzie 1993 r.
Ten utwór został nominowany do Grammy jako "Najlepsza kompozycja metalowa" w 1994 r., ale przegrał z utworem Soundgarden "Spoon Man".
(Muzyka, tekst: Geezer Butler, Tony Iommi, Bill Ward, Ozzy Osbourne)Finished with my woman
'Cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think that I'm insane
Because I'm frowning all the time
All day long I think of things
But nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind
If I don't find something to pacify
Can you help me? Are you for my brain?
Oh yeah, hell yeah
I need someone to show me
The things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness,
I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh
And you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel
So love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words
Telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life
I wish I could but it's too late
"Nick, Nick, Nick!"
"Fuck... me... running!"

Paranoid Black Sabbath
Ten utwór to kower sławnego oryginału Black Sabbath. Został umieszczony na składance w hołdzie dla tej grupy zatytułowanym Nativity in Black: A Tribute to Black Sabbath, wydanej w październiku 1994 r. Oryginalna wersja tego utworu pojawiła się na albumie Black Sabbath o tym samym tytule, wydanym w 1970 r.
Ten utwór został nominowany do Grammy jako "Najlepsza kompozycja metalowa" w 1995 r., ale przegrał z utworem Nine Inch Nails "Happiness in Slavery".
Ten utwór został umieszczony na ścieżce dźwiękowej filmu Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight, wydanej w styczniu 1995 r.
(Muzyka, tekst: Mustaine)Sacrilege and blasphemy set the stage today
The more insatiable the sex,
The more swelled our tongues became
As prehistoric as this seems, this is now, today
Talkin' about no vision,
Talkin' about no dream
The harlot puddles for her lies
From where she speaks
I look above
And see entrails in the sky
This one ain't over
Until the fat lady dies
One man rules the earth
And rides a seven headed beast
Ten Diadems to crown them all
World religion at his feet
Dreams are told of dreams of old
This day would surely come
So run my child and hide your face
Once you've been marked you're finished, one
You've become one!
You're mine!
You're one.
I saw a new earth today,
I saw a former pass away
I saw a new earth today,
I saw a former pass away
Vengeance is mine!
Vengeance is mine!
The Netherworld and Sheol and never satisfied
So the eyes of man are never satisfied
I saw a new earth today,
I saw a former pass away
(Muzyka, tekst: Glen Matlock, Johnny Rotten, Paul Cook, Steve Jones)Too many problems, oh why am I here?
I need to be me, 'cause you're all to clear
And I can see there's something wrong with you
And what do you expect me to do?
At least I gotta know what I wanna be
Don't come to me if you need pity
Are you lonely, you got no one
You got your body in suspension
It's a problem, problem, problem
The problem is you
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
You don't do what you want then you'll fade away
You won't find me working nine-to-five
It's too much fun just being alive
I'm using my feet for my human machine
You won't find me living for the screen
Are you getting lonely, all needs catered
You got your brains dehydrated
Problem, problem, problem, the problem is you
Oh what you gonna do, problem, problem
Problem, problem, problem, the problem is you
Well, what you gonna do with your problem
The problem is you, problem
It ain't death trip, but it ain't automatic
You won't find me just staying ecstatic
Don't you give me any orders
To people like me, there is no order
Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Bet you thought you knew what I was about
Bet you thought you'd solved all your problems
But you are the problem
Problem, problem, problem, the problem is you
Oh, what you gonna do with your problem?
I'll leave it up to you, oh problem
The problem is you, you got a problem
Oh what you gonna do?
They know a doctor, gonna take you away
They take you away and throw away the key
They don't want you and they don't want me
You got a problem the problem is you,
Problem, well, what you gonna do?
Problem, have you got a problem?
Problem, well you got a problem.

Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols Sex Pistols
Ten utwór to cower sławnego kawałka Sex Pistols. Został umieszczony na singlu A Tout Le Monde, wydanym w lutym 1995 r. Oryginalna wersja tego utworu pojawiła się na albumie Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols, wydanym w 1979 r.
New World Order
(Muzyka: Mustaine, Ellefson, Friedman; tekst: Mustaine, Menza)Where hath the apostles gone?
Joining hands with wicked ones
Revelation has come to pass
New World Order will hold the mass
A book written my the man
Used to control and command
All rights will be denied,
Without the mark you shall die
No confession, all is known
New World Order, you shall be shown
Monitoring all wages
New World Order comes in stages
Currency is obsolete,
Feel the agony of defeat
Symbol of society today,
A must have or you shall pay
As human flesh leads the mind,
Just a pawn, the last martyr dies